Management Philosophy
The MEC group will contribute to the creation of a prosperous and diverse society and sustainable environment, inspired by an unconventional approach based on the principles of "Visionary Technology", "Reliable Quality" and "Meticulous Service", thereby creating and fostering value at various interfaces through our global activities.
MEC Group’s Charter of Corporate Behavior
- The MEC Group shall develop and supply socially useful products and services, taking full consideration of the safety and earth environment, in order to obtain the satisfaction and confidence of our customers.
- MEC Group shall be engaged in fair, transparent and free competition and conduct appropriate business transactions and shall maintain healthy and sound relations with politicians and government authorities.
- MEC Group shall engage in communications, not only with our shareholders but also with society at large, and disclose corporate information in a positive and fair manner.
- MEC Group shall respect the diversity, personality and individuality of employees and provide them with safe and ideal working environments to realize affluent and rich personal lives.
- MEC Group shall voluntarily and actively work on the earth environment issues, which represent common challenges for human beings.
- MEC Group shall conduct social contribution activities in a positive way as “Good Corporate Citizens..”
- MEC Group shall uncompromisingly stand up against antisocial forces and groups, which pose threats to the order and safety of civil society.
- In international business activities, MEC Group shall not only conform to international rules and local laws/regulations but also conduct such management operations that will contribute to the progress of local society by respecting local cultures and customs.
- The top management of MEC Group companies shall, in recognition of its role to implement the spirit of this Charter, exercise its leadership in showing examples of compliance, ensuring that all employees do the same and that their group companies and business partners are well informed of the spirit. The top management shall also elicit opinions both in and outside companies in order to reflect them in the enhancement of workable internal organizations and ensure corporate ethics are fully implemented.
- MEC Group companies shall, when any event in violation of this Charter takes place, demonstrate actions to settle the problem via the leadership of their top management, and strive to investigate the cause and prevent any recurrence. The group companies shall also exercise prompt and appropriate disclosure of information and achieve accountability to society as well as imposing strict disciplinary action, including the top management, upon clarification of the authority and responsibility.