Basic Policy
With Local Communities (Responsibility to Local Communities)
As a good corporate citizen, the MEC Group continues to be a corporate group that respects the cultures and customs of the countries and regions in which it operates, and contributes to the development of local communities.
Sponsoring an online social study site
We supported and endorsed the objectives of the online social studies site "Shigoto no Tobira" (literally Door to Work)*, which is a joint project of Gakken Kids Net, a content portal site for elementary and junior high school students, and Kids Challenge Expo, which aims to revitalize local communities through education and industry. The Company’s articles and videos have been published.
"Shigoto no Tobira" is a project that aims to help children learn about society and the jobs they want to do in the future through videos and article content. This program aims to help elementary and junior high school students feel "work" and "society" firsthand, learn about the system, and think about their future voluntarily through interviews with employees and understanding the conditions of factories and workplaces of companies nationwide.
Contributing to society through donations
Donations are made through the Japanese Red Cross Society and other organizations to support disaster areas in the event of a large-scale disaster.
In 2022, we made a donation for humanitarian crisis response in Ukraine.
Most recently, we donated to earthquake relief funds through the Japanese Red Cross Society and others in response to the devastating Turkey-Syria earthquake.
Other initiatives
MEC’s activities related to forests
As a manufacturer of chemicals for electronic substrates, we use large quantities of water in our business activities.
In the belief that we could make a contribution to the local community and environment, we grow forests to create water sources which will help to prevent global warming. We are growing forests in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, where our Nagaoka Factory is located, and also in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, where our headquarters is located. Employees and their families participate in these activities under the guidance of local governments.
In November 2022, we resumed forest activities by our employees, which were last canceled in 2019 due to the COVID-19 infection. In May 2023, at Nagaoka MEC Forest, we cleared fallen trees and restored waterways buried in the soil.We will continue to contribute to the creation of forests with biodiversity in mind.
Together with Local Communities
The Amagasaki Headquarters is designed to minimize damage from possible earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., based on hazard maps published by local governments. In addition, we provide more food, beverages, and other items to prepare for emergencies than necessary. For this reason, we provide guidance to neighboring municipalities so that they can be used as temporary evacuation centers in the event of a natural disaster. In fiscal 2021, we were unable to implement the drill because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but once a year, we carry out evacuation drills at neighborhood nursery schools by providing the site as an evacuation site.