Basic Policy
Based on the awareness that prompt and accurate disclosure of information to all stakeholders is extremely important based on transparency, fairness, and continuity, the Company will make a concerted effort to provide corporate information. In particular, we will build a good relationship with the capital market to ensure that corporate value is properly assessed through information disclosure.
Information Disclosure Method
The Company registers information on the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and posts it on the Company website at the same time for information stipulated by relevant laws and regulations such as the Securities and Exchange Act and by the Timely Disclosure Rules provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and for information considered useful for making investment decisions.
IR Activities
The Company engages in active IR activities to ensure that all shareholders and investors make investment decisions based on an appropriate understanding of the Company’s businesses. To this end, we will disclose information honestly and fairly to all shareholders and investors, value two-way communication, and promote IR activities that are easy to understand based on new ideas at all times.
Strict Compliance with MDP
The company shall have MDP thoroughly known and strictly observed by all corporate members from the perspective of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).