1. Sustainability
  2. ESG
  3. Safety and Health Policy

Safety and Health Policy

Occupational Safety and Health

We build and operate a management system, in order to create a safe and hygienic workplace environment through efforts to discover and tackle such problems as dangerous work and places and hygiene issues.

MEC Safety and Health Policy

Company-wide policy: Safety and health come first

Safety declaration

Based on the spirit of respect for human life, we will carry out occupational safety and health activities with the utmost consideration and participation of all employees to realize our Company rules of “Let’s make a fun workplace where people pay attention to safety and health.”We will position safety and health as one of the most important foundations of our corporate activities and will allocate management resources appropriately.

MEC code of conduct

  1. We will comply with occupational health and safety laws and regulations as well as our own internal rules and regulations, and will strive to continuously improve our safety and health management system and the level of management, recognizing the safety and health risks associated with our activities.

  2. We will protect the safety and health of all workers
  3.  1) Achieve zero accidents and zero injuries
      ・Identifying, assessing, eliminating, and reducing hazardous areas
      ・Structuring countermeasures
      ・Preventing chemical spill accidents
      ・Fostering a sound safety culture

     2) Promote and ensure physical and mental health
      ・Preventing overwork
      ・Maintaining and managing mental health
      ・Creating a pleasant work environment

  4. This safety and health policy applies to all employees working together in our Group, both in Japan and in our overseas subsidiaries.

July 23, 2024
Kazuo Maeda, President & CEO

As a chemical manufacturer, we are committed to providing our customers and other stakeholders with information regarding safety and security.

Industrial accidents

In FY2023, we had not industrial accidents involving lost time injuries. We will continue to improve our working environment.

Severity rate, frequency rate, and average number of working days lost per causality

In fiscal 2023*, the severity rate was 0.0, the frequency rate was 0.00, and the average number of working days lost per casualty was 0.

Calculated based on 263 employees (non-consolidated) as of the end of fiscal 2023

According to the situation of industrial accidents by industry (announced by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2024), the frequency rate in the manufacturing industry is 1.29, the severity rate is 0.08, and the average number of work days lost per casualty is 58.0.
The working environment in our Company is highly controlled in terms of safety and health.

Ensuring employee health

In addition to implementing health examinations every autumn (consultation rate of nearly 100%), special health examinations in spring and autumn, and stress checks (implementation rate of nearly 100%), we also carry out re-examinations and thorough treatment of those with abnormality findings.
We attach great importance to improving the mental and physical health of our employees.

Measures to prepare for a disaster

In order to ensure human life and business continuity in the event of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or an outbreak of an infectious disease, we stockpile emergency supplies, conduct various related drills, introduce regular evacuation drills and safety confirmation systems, and formulate BCP*. measures are being taken.

Business Continuity Plan: A variety of policy measures formulated in advance to ensure the safety of human life and the continuation of business operations.

Safety and health education and training

Each of our business facilities is engaging in education, training, and other activities concerning industrial safety and health. Factories in particular are engaging in various activities, including study meetings on chemicals, forklifts, and other items; safety patrols; activities for learning from near misses; and training for predicting hazards, in order to raise safety awareness and prevent accidents and disasters.

  1. Sustainability
  2. ESG
  3. Safety and Health Policy