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  2. ESG
  3. Relationship with Employees

Relationship with Employees
(As of the end of December 2023)

Basic Policy

With Employees (Responsibility to Employees)

Upholding the corporate motto “Enjoy your work”, the MEC Group continues to be a corporate group in which each employee is pleased to work and proud of being a member of the MEC Group, and can enjoy greater happiness.

Working environment

The premise of our Company is respect for human rights, and we clearly state that treatment that ignores human rights, such as child labor and forced labor, is strictly prohibited. When hiring people, we check their age with official documents and make strict rules to ensure there is no dishonesty.

Human resource and internal environment development policy

As part of our efforts to develop human resources and improve the internal environment with the aim of creating human value from a short-, medium-, and long-term perspective, we have established the Human Resource and Internal Environment Development Policy as shown below.

Indicators and targets

These are non-consolidated targets for the Company.
No consolidated targets have been set.

*At the MEC Group, the wage structure is set by position. There is no gender pay gap, and the wages of men and women in the same position is the same. The differences that exist are attributable to differences in the gender composition ratio for each position.

Respect for human rights policy

Respect for human rights is a major premise for our operations. By clearly stipulating prohibition of child labor and forced labor, we demonstrate our determination to respect human rights. When hiring, we make sure that there are no fraudulent rules, such as stating the age in official documents.

Preventing harassment and discrimination

We distribute the "Labor and Ethics Guidelines" prepared based on the RBA Code of Conduct to all officers and employees to raise awareness of the need for harassment prevention. At the same time, we are working to prevent harassment by posting the guidelines in our in-house database, disseminating specific cases of harassment, and providing training.
The guidelines also state that we will not discriminate in terms of employment, promotion, or salary increases based on nationality, place of origin, gender, sexual minority (LGBTQ+), etc.

Freedom of association

Although we do not have a labor union, we do declare that we respect the legal rights of our employees (such as participating in collective bargaining).

Diversity and inclusion

We are actively promoting diversity and inclusion to become a company where people of all ages, genders, races, nationalities and disabilities with a variety of personalities and values can play an active role in driving innovation and growth in the Company.

Work-life balance

We have introduced various systems related to employment and are working to realize flexible work styles for employees.

Other initiatives

Encouraging the active participation of human resources regardless of gender
[Women’s active engagement]

Since our foundation, we have focused on fostering an organizational culture in which women can continuously demonstrate their abilities and play an active role in various life stages. We have been selected as a Nadeshiko Brand* twice in the past, in FY2015 and FY2016.
Since our foundation, we have consistently promoted the recruitment of human resources free from gender distinction, and a single pay table is applied to all full-time employees as employees on the managerial career track. The gender pay gap is 87.0 for female employees if male employees are deemed to be 100.
Female managers accounted for 30.0% of all managers in FY2023, and female supervisors are not uncommon.
We will continue to promote appointments regardless of gender based on ability and aptitude.
[Note] At the MEC Group, the wage structure is set by position. There is no gender pay gap, and the wages of men and women in the same position are the same. The differences that exist are attributable to differences in the gender composition ratio for each position.

*Nadeshiko Brand: A listed company selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange that excels in promoting women’s participation as an attractive stock for investors who place importance on improving corporate value over the medium and long term.

Promotion of male employees taking child-rearing leave

We introduced the child-rearing leave system in FY1991. The first childcare a male employee took was in FY2008. Since then, employees have taken this leave as needed. From FY2020 onward, the Company has continued to encourage men's proactive participation in child-rearing and promote an understanding of the need to balance work and childcare, resulting in a take-up rate of 44.4% in FY2023. We will build a more productive work environment by encouraging each employee to practice self-directed work styles.

Employee satisfaction survey

We have been conducting awareness surveys for many years to measure satisfaction levels among employees (including temporary staff) and utilize the results in our labor policies and other measures. As a result of surveys conducted by a specialist external organization for FY2021 and FY2022, we found that a high level of satisfaction had been maintained. Accordingly, in order to conduct a multifaceted analysis, we conducted a survey using existing internal systems for FY2023.

Response rate:about 94%

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  1. Sustainability
  2. ESG
  3. Relationship with Employees